September 2022

  • I have been writing 118 posts since November 2019
  • (This month:1 posts)

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     Wed, September 14th, 2022  

    My son has changed


    Since 18 months to 20 months, my son's behavior has changed in many ways. I'll write down some to remember.

    • He stopped eating much (temporarily)
    • He doesn't eat the foods he used to like on some days
    • He started sleeping through the night more
    • He cries hard middle of night (having a nightmare?)
    • He started practicing jumping
    • He started clapping/stomping/dancing to music
    • He stopped hugging me when he saw me first thing in the morning (a little sad)
    • He started pointing and demanding by saying "Milk!"
    • He's starting to say "No" to many things and has stronger opinions.
    • He sits down and doesn't move when we leave the park or mall
    • He seems to be getting taller
    • His vocabulary has increased significantly (upper and lower case ABC's, recitation of aiueo, animals, food, vehicles, household items, emotions etc., numbers)
    • He look into people's faces to check them out (because there are many different races?)
    • He likes to play with water in the sink.
    • He says "Cheetah!" and runs.

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