August 2020

  • I have been writing 118 posts since November 2019
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    My husband got COVID-19.

    Follow the sequence time,

    【19 Aug (Wed)】

    For another matter, when we went to the hospital for my regular checkup, we found out that my husband had a fever by checking the body temperature at the entrance. (99.5°F)

    He didn't have a fever this morning, but his throat was a little strange, so he decided to have check for COVID.

    (He called the COVID test clinic closest to my house immediately and made a reservation, and 40 minutes after calling, he had test. The doctor said that his lungs were okay, depending on the test results.)

    We got home after the regular checkups at my hospital. Just in case, I santized the whole house with alcohol. From that day on, we decided to wear a mask for both of us at home and separate the bedroom, toilet and bathroom.

    【20 Aug (Thu)】

    In the morning, my husband's fever dropped and it was normal. He didn't feel sick. Recently, I woke up many times at night and woke him up at the same time, so I thought he was just tired.

    We continued to wear a mask, sanitizing, and keep using another room.

    (Same for Friday)

    【22 Aug (Sat)】

    My husband was normal temperature on that day as well. It seems that he was in good physical condition.

    There was a phone call from the test clinic in the morning. He said it was positive.

    According to the test clinic, "Since the symptoms are mild, please recover your physical condition and spend time in a separate room with your family, disinfecting and wearing a mask. If your family members have symptoms (especially fever), please check them as well." It seems like symptom key is fever.

    I didn't think it was COVID, so I was surprised.

    【23 Aug (Sun)】

    We definitely decided to spend 10 days in another room.

    (I check everyday, I have no fever or symptoms, it seems to be fine for now.)

    【Prediction of infection route】

    My husband's company is remote from home this year, so this is not from a workplace.

    (I don't go out too. I don't even have a American driver's license yet.)

    Since we don't go out unnecessarily, I think it's probably a supermarket or a shop that took out food and coffee.

    I asked my husband to do all the shopping, so I feel sorry if it might be an infection from there.

    【In the end】

    I am grateful that he has not heavy symptoms, but there might be sudden changes, so we will be careful and keeping separate room and recover physical condition.

    I read Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice". It's a famous work, so I think many people have read the book or watched the movie. I watched the movie on Netflix for the first time two weeks ago and it was so interesting that I also read a book. It was a wonderful work, so I would like to simply introduce it.


    Roughly speaking of summary, it is「A love story in which men and women who despise each other are gradually attracted, which was written about 200 years ago in England」(It may be overstated simply. For details, see Wiki.)

    Wikipage:"Pride and Prejudice"


    ◎ Movie I watched

    It seems that there are video works of 1940, 1980, 1995, 2005, but I watched the 2005 version.

    ◎ Good points of movie
    • The music that plays during the work is calm and relaxing
    • Beautiful scenery of nature, mansion, and garden (They borrowed 3 real mansions for shooting. You can check the making video below.)
    • Details of costumes, works of art, balls, etc.
    • Attractive actors
    • An important part of the original is faithfully drawn

    【Music played at the beginning of the movie】

    Jean-Yves Thibaudet - Dawn

    【Actual mansion and garden】

    Making video Burghley House


    ◎ Book I read

    There are various Japanese translated books, but I read Kazuhiko Oshima, published in 2017. It was a wonderful translated book. I think translating a novel is many times more difficult than a business book. Moreover, the old English words are even more difficult. I am very grateful to his work for translating it into such easier to read and at the same time does not destroy the atmosphere of 200 years ago.

    ◎ Two points that were impressive in the book
    First point:

    The first point is a word about "pride and vanity" that often appears in this work.

    The words of Elizabeth's sister Mary in a conversation discussing Mr. Darcy's rude and unfriendly behavior earlier in the book.

    【Chapter 5】

    “Pride,” observed Mary, who piqued herself upon the solidity of her reflections, “is a very common failing, I believe. By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed; that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary. Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.”

    The young son of the Lucas family follows.

    If I were as rich as Mr. Darcy,” cried a young Lucas, who came with his sisters, “I should not care how proud I was. I would keep a pack of foxhounds, and drink a bottle of wine a day.

    I thought "I see vanity and pride." and "It's funny that the child followed to speak." (The contrast between Darcy, who is disliked because he has a strong sense of pride, and a child who behaves purely and freely.)

    Second point:

    The second point is the Elizabeth's positive mindset and the strength to speak out.

    The following are sentences from the middle of the book where Elizabeth is suffering from the behavior of her family.

    【Chapter 41】

    When she tried to persuade her father to stop her sister Lydia from going to Brighton, but was refused.

    With this answer Elizabeth was forced to be content; but her own opinion continued the same, and she left him disappointed and sorry. It was not in her nature, however, to increase her vexations by dwelling on them. She was confident of having performed her duty, and to fret over unavoidable evils, or augment them by anxiety, was no part of her disposition.

    【Chapter 42】

    She expected that the situation would change when the Union Corps left, but she didn't feel satisfied.

    that an event to which she had been looking with impatient desire did not, in taking place, bring all the satisfaction she had promised herself. It was consequently necessary to name some other period for the commencement of actual felicity—to have some other point on which her wishes and hopes might be fixed, and by again enjoying the pleasure of anticipation, console herself for the present, and prepare for another disappointment.

    When she's disappointed that her sister can't come with her on the trip.

    “But it is fortunate,” thought she, “that I have something to wish for. Were the whole arrangement complete, my disappointment would be certain.

    When the travel destination has changed suddenly.

    But it was her business to be satisfied—and certainly her temper to be happy; and all was soon right again.

    【Chapter 56】

    When Lady Catherine threatens her about marriage of Mr. Darcy.

    " And I certainly never shall give it. I am not to be intimidated into anything so wholly unreasonable. Your ladyship wants Mr. Darcy to marry your daughter; but would my giving you the wished-for promise make their marriage at all more probable? Supposing him to be attached to me, would my refusing to accept his hand make him wish to bestow it on his cousin? "

    " I have said no such thing. I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me. "

    " If the former were excited by his marrying me, it would not give me one moment’s concern—and the world in general would have too much sense to join in the scorn. "

    I should learn Elizabeth's positive thinking and strength.

    ◎ Conclusion

    Although this book is 200 years old, it is still popular and still being read.

    I think it's because it is drawn the essence of humanity such as pride, prejudice, self-complacency, vanity, and love.

    Although the times are different, I think that you feel that there are people like this even now.

    The content is a love story, so it's not difficult, and it's interesting to read with a comedy touch that has irony and humor. This is a good book you should try and read.

    Great summary and synopsis. I really enjoy reading your blog posts? Where can I hire you to write some blog content for me?

    Hundreds of cases of infection occur daily still now in Arizona.

    The symptoms seem to be different for each person,

    There seems to be a risk of death from blood clots even at a young age.

    Moreover, it seems that the aftereffects include hair loss, fatigue, and a slight fever.

    There are problems such as the number of suicides increasing when the economy deteriorates.

    But, don't go to a lot of people. Try washing your hands, gargle, washing your nose, mask and taking a shower as soon as you return from home.

    Keep focus up on it on a daily basis until the end.



    [Today's number in Arizona]

    ・Number of testers 7,476 people

    ・Number of infected people 468 people

    ・Dead 0 people

    [Arizona total]

    ・Number of testers 1,349,757

    ・Number of infected people 194,005 people

    ・Dead 4,506 people



     Wed, August 12th, 2020  

    3 good things about America


    It's been a year since I lived in America. In this article, I'll list three of the good things about America that I find particularly good.

    1.Using variety of love expression

    When people see family for the first time or when they leave, they gently hug or kiss (on the cheek or head).

    Also, people hug lightly with friends who haven't met a long time.

    They always tell "I love you" each other and the compliments to the other person are natural and good. You can feel safe, sense of well-being and self-affirmation that are important in life.

    2.Friendly and open-minded

    Most people have a friendly demeanor. People talk to you at supermarket, restaurant, library and so on even if you don't know. For example, "Hi, how are you doing?" "That (pointing to the product), it was good! definitely recommended!" "Which beer is good?".

    I still get confused, "Is she an acquaintance?" or "I don't know how to reply," but I think it's nice that being friendly because it gives you a smile.

    Is it because various races and cultures coexist? I think there is a strong tendency to have an open mind.

    3.Husband is active in housework and childcare

    Compared to Japan, men actively participate in housework and childcare. At the same time, they do their job. They usually don't work overtime and go home early.

    My husband also does housework weekdays. When I feel sick, he says "You should rest and take care of yourself now." and he will do all the food preparation, grocery shopping, cleaning, take out garbage, washing, drying and folding.

    These are the three points that I think are particularly good in the United States. There are many other things, so I'll write it on another time.

    I'm happy about the good things here in America. I am particularly happy that my son is a good and helpful husband. He has always been a wonderful, kind son.

    Lynnsan, thank you for the comment, your son is a really wonderful man, you raised him good!

    You deserve this treatment Aya! ❤️ I’m glad that Jonny is taking care of you and hope you are feeling better. So happy to have you in our family!! 😘

    Christie, thank you for the comment, I’m grad to be nice family and I can’t wait see you!😃❤️

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