October 2020

  • I have been writing 118 posts since November 2019
  • (This month:7 posts)

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     Sun, October 25th, 2020  

    Mother and Gramma-in-lows' cook


    I will post the dishes that my mother-in-law and grandmother recently made. I am happy to have a very delicious supper and it is helping us and I can learn food.

    Sunday Oct. 11th

    • Chicken Enchilada
    • Baked beans (made by cousin)
    • Mexican rice




    Sunday Oct. 18th

    • Caesar salad
    • Bolognese pasta & garlic bread



    (I don't have a photo, but there are others)

    • Various cheeses & crackers (Appetizer)
    • Jalapeño cream cheese stuffed with bacon wrap (Appetizer)
    • Lemon cream pie (dessert)

    Wednesday Oct. 21st

    • Pepper stuffed with grounded meat and rice

    She made even for us on weekdays. My husband went to get it.


    Sunday Oct. 25th

    • Chicken cream pie wrap, Corn flakes potato cheesy casserole
    • Pop over bread & strawberry butter
    • Desert salad
    • Devil's Egg (Appetizer)
    • Asparagus ham roll & salami (Appetizer)





    In the end, the wreath on the door was beautiful.


     Sat, October 24th, 2020  

    Grill by the pool


    We started using the pool jacuzzi 2 weeks ago.

    This weekend we made a hot dog using a BBQ grill by the pool.

    I wonder why we didn't use it until now. .. ..

    • Bratwurst with sauerkraut (Both purchased at Sprout's deli meat corner)
    • Potato salad, Red pepper






     Wed, October 21st, 2020  

    Gift from my mother


    I received a gift from my mother in Japan.

    We received various items such as baby's undershirts, clothes, books, flashcards, letters, birth charm, and our paired clothes.

    <Baby Undershirts>







    Japanese baby undershirts are hard to get here, so it's very helpful.

    <Baby Clothes>






    <Gauze towl、Baby pillow、Socks・Mittens>




    <Book・Flashcards、Letter・Birth Charm>



    <Our clothes>



    Japan Post has stopped international delivery due to coronavirus, so she delivered it through a company called DHL. She also prepared some sweets, but she couldn't send food because of the corona.

    (My mother sent the package on the night of Oct.12th (Monday) (Japan time), and it delivered my house on Oct.20th (Tuesday) midnight (Japan time) = Oct.19th (Monday) morning (Arizona time). It arrived in about a week.)


    I was so happy and grateful for that she prepared and delivered various things in a busy and difficult situation.

    I'm in the 7th month of 26 weeks now.

    I will soon be in the third trimester.

    I will summarize how it was in the early and middle stages.

    • Morning sickness and discomfort problems

    • What was good as a countermeasure

    The process and costs of the first half are summarized below.

    Pregnancy and examination process(First half)

    Cost of pregnancy examination(First half)

    I had this kind of thing during pregnancy (morning sickness and unpleasant symptoms)

    ◎ 1st month (before pregnancy is confirmed)

    ◉ Discomfort in the lower abdomen

    • A feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen that is different from that of menstrual pain.

      ➡︎ Wait-and-see. It may be a sign of pregnancy.

    ◉ Strong drowsiness

    • I just want to sleep. Similar to PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), but more drowsy.

      ➡︎ Wait-and-see. It may be a sign of pregnancy.

    ◎ 2nd to 5th month (after pregnancy is confirmed)

    ◉ Morning sickness

    • 【Symptom】Discomfort such as seasickness, motion sickness, and hangover from the moment you wake up. Feeling tired every day.

    • 【Period】Starts at the 5th week, peaks at 8-14 weeks, and calms down after 17 weeks.

    • 【Type】Nausea with empty stomach, vomiting after eating, heightened sense of smell, and drowsiness.

    ◉ Prescribed vitamins




    ◉ What do you do with nausea?

    • Keep eating something small

    • Do not eat too much, increase the number of times

    • Take Vitamin B6 (prescribed)

    • Changed to fragrance-free (detergent, shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc.)

    • Find something distracting

    • Sleep

    • Wear loose clothes

      ➡︎ I want my husband to understand this discomfort. But my husband is a person who does not get motion sickness or seasickness. So, I explained "The day after you drank too much, you get a hangover and puke in the toilet, which made you feel uncomfortable, you feel that feeling every day. It's unusual for humans to puke food.” After dinner-before going to bed, I asked my husband to rub my back and vomited several times when I felt sick so that he could actually understand it. I think what men can do at this time is to feel the suffering together.

    ◉ What was hard?

    • I can't watch any of my favorite games, books, manga, or TV. (I felt sick when I saw the screen and characters.)

    • Only the radio was distracting my mind

    • My husband got a coronavirus

    • The epidemic of the coronavirus makes it impossible to go out

    ◉ Radio that works for morning sickness

    • 『Matayoshi, Kodama, and Mukai Atowa nerudake no jikan』

    • In fact, there was a post saying that it worked for morning sickness.

    ◉ What to do with nausea after dinner?

    • I didn't want to get a habit of vomiting, so I usually put up with it. But sometimes I couldn't put up with it and vomited several times. It will make you feel easier. If you want to vomit, you should vomit.

    ◉ Can't sleep?

    ◉ What I could eat?

    • French fries, chicken sandwich, white rice with scrambled eggs and soy sauce, egg porridge, vegetable soup

    • Crackers, cherry tomatoes, watermelons, strawberries, jellies, puddings, cucumbers, Buddy Fruites

    ◉ What about drinks?

    • Water that feels delicious, carbonated water, barley tea (non-caffeine)

    ◉ When you're hard mentally

    • See blogs and books of people who have the same experience

    • Watch healing and laughing videos

    ◉ Reference site

    ◎ 6th and 7th months

    ◉ Frequent urination

    • Do not put up with it, go bathroom.

    ◉ Constipation

    • I consulted with my doctor and asked OK drug for pregnant women 『COLACE』.




    ◉ Belly gets tight

    ◉ Increase appetite

    • I'm worried that I'm eating too much

    • Ask your doctor and if it's okay, no problem

    ◉ I'm worried about what happens to my body

    • Inform your husband of changes in your body at any time

    • Get your husband to understand the situation by having a pregnancy app

    • Recommended app has English version: 『Maternity+

    ◉ Poor posture in the middle of the night

    • I am worried about fetal movement and make me awake

    • Holding pillow for pregnant women is important * Good to have backrest

    • I bought an ordinary holding pillow (white) and bought a gray one because I wanted a backrest.


    In the end

    • Morning sickness was really unpleasant, I couldn't see the end, the fetus was unstable, and it was a time when I was physically and mentally distressed. But there is an end. Everything will be all right.

    • Be careful of your body after the middle term. You will feel better and free from morning sickness, but never overdo it.

    On the weekend, I watched the US presidential election TV debate (Youtube) held at the end of last month.

    I'm an immigrant, so I don't have the right to vote in the United States. However, I would like to check what kind of thoughts the next president has.

    • The important thing is not to be fooled by fake news.

    • Make sure the news is true. (Who is saying, reliable information, when is it?)

    • Try not to spread wrong information.

    • Research yourself.

    • Try to maintain an unbiased with common-sense.

    • Understand that everyone has different opinions.

    I put Youtube link at the bottom. I think it's best to listen with your own ears rather than listening to someone else's opinion.

    If you have time, it's good to check roughly in English first, and then check the details in the Japanese interpreter version.

    Impressions of seeing the debate

    ◉ I honestly don't know

    • I don't really understand because it's a show that nitpicking each other.

    • I want to see more certain plan by adding visual explanation as well as verbal explanation. (The purpose of this debate might be just to check speaking skill, personality and listen to the rough policy, or they don't have certain plan at this stage, or the situation changes so quickly that they don't know what will happen.)

    ◉ Trump is very Trump

    • Around 30 minutes, when talking about wearing a mask, he made fun of that "Biden was wearing a big mask 200 yards away" and "Biden's meeting only gather 3 people." (Trump holds a large number of meetings outdoors, but Biden is careful, so he wears a mask and holds a meeting with several people.) I laughed a little, but I felt he has childish and mean personality.

    • Most of what he is saying is not wrong

    ◉ Biden is like a sales talk

    • He often tried to appeal to us looking at the camera's. So I felt he talks like a sales man, I put off by that.

    • Personality looks good


    • The coronavirus is causing panic and anxiety among the American people and the whole world. Considering his strong leadership and his four years of experience, Trump may be more supportive than Biden.

    In the end

    • I submitted a lot of various documents and came to the United States with time, money and effort in accordance with the law. I just hope the situation won't get bad for immigrants.

    Youtube Link

    ◉Full Presidential Debate: President Trump and Joe Biden | WSJ


    Yesterday, we decorated house for Halloween for the first time.



    A dog balloon we found at Home Depot.

    I like that balloons can be stored small.

    American Halloween decorations such as skeletons, witches, scarecrows, and spiders are quite real and scary. I thought this dog is cute.

    ◎ Good product


    ◎ Good points

    • Because it is a balloon, it can be stored small

    • Electric inflatable

    ◎ Bad points

    • I can't zip after inflating (We keep it on at night using auto timer plug. It seems that the electricity cost is low, but I wish I could zip it.)

    Hi Aya, I would love to get one of these for my home. Is it scary?

    Hi Vladimir, thank you for the comment. It's not scary, it's kind of cute. Don't take from our house, you can get HomeDepot or online. (Website link is on the article.)

     Mon, October 5th, 2020  

    Dinner at Mother-in-lows'


    I had dinner at my mother-in-law's house yesterday.

    Sunday dinner

    Sunday dinner

    • Filet mignon steak
    • Mushroom saute
    • Green bean casserole (often eaten at Thanksgiving)
    • Twice-baked potatoes
    • Roll bread

    I ask my steak diced and cooked well. Drink is Apple cider.

    I don't have photos, but I also had appetizer, soup and dessert.

    • Devil's egg (appetizer)
    • Pumpkin bisque (soup)
    • Cherry tart (dessert)

    The food was delicious like a restaurant. Sunday tend to be depressing after a fun weekend. Having a delicious and enjoyable dinner with family at home feels happy and relaxing.

    Aya, you make all our evenings happier when you are here. I'm so glad you enjoyed dinner on Sunday.

    Love, Lynnsan

    Lynnsan, thank you for the comment, I loved the food!

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