Farewell to my father-in-law

April 28th, 2021   家族のこと 

My father-in-law passed away at around 3 AM on Thursday, April 15.

The facility contacted my mother-in-law in the middle of the night, and she rushed to the facility.

We got the call from my mother-in-law around six in the morning.

My husband was crying.

My husband had gone to see my father-in-law, as the doctor had informed us that he was getting weak rapidly the day before.

The doctor told him, "It could happen at any time, it could be in a week, it could be in a month, it could be tomorrow.

He passed away the next day.

My father-in-law was a former Air Force pilot who ran a successful business after he retired.

He loved golf, was dynamic and kind, and was loved by everyone.

He was handsome and had a cute smile.

My father-in-law developed Alzheimer's disease about five years ago.

As the Alzheimer's progressed, I felt as if the father-in-law I had known was disappearing.

The last six months, it seemed to be a rapid progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Due to the severity of his symptoms, he had to enter a home care facility in January of this year.

His auditory and visual hallucinations seemed to be getting stronger.

This made it difficult for my mother-in-law to sleep at night.

He seemed to have forgotten the names of her family and friends.

But sometimes he was in a good mood and could remember us.

It's really hard when people die.

My husband said it was really good that he was able to see grandson.

On Saturday the 24th, we had a farewell ceremony at hometown Fountain Hills in Arizona.

Family members came from California and Iowa, and nearly 100 people including friends gathered.

Next month, in May, we will have a formal funeral in Iowa, where his family's grave is located.

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