Baby Shower in America

December 19th, 2020   妊娠・出産 

We had a baby shower in my mother-in-law's garden.

(There is no culture of baby shower in Japan, although some people seem to be having it lately.

In Japan, it is common to give congratulatory money or gifts after the birth.)

The garden of my mother-in-law's house is large and beautiful, so it looks somewhere like a restaurant terrace. My mother-in-law and my husband's friends who live nearby gathered.

We played a game to experience being pregnant using balloons. It was a game where you put a puffed up balloon in your stomach and untie your shoelaces.

My husband did it surprisingly easily, so I told him it is not that easy. (He helps me put on my socks, so I think he understands.)

We also enjoyed the gift opening and dinner.

I'd like to thank everyone who came, those who couldn't make it but sent gifts, and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law for all the preparations.

I'll do my best to give birth.







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