Pregnancy and Checkup Process in America (Last half)

December 14th, 2020   妊娠・出産 

I found out I was pregnant in May this year 2020 and it's been 9 months (35 weeks).

In this article, I would like to summarize the last half of my five-month pregnancy and checkup process.

<Check here for more information on the first half of the process and costs>

5th Checkup

[Wednesday, September 16]: 21 weeks (6th month)

  • Physical measurement, urinalysis, interview (nurse, doctor in charge), heartbeat test.

  • I was constipated, so I got a prescription for medicine ("COLACE").

Made the next two reservation and finished.

《Time required: about 30 minutes》

6th Checkup

[Thursday, October 14]: 25th week (7th month)

  • Physical measurement, urinalysis, interview (nurse, another female doctor in charge), heartbeat test, blood test (I was supposed to do a glucose test, but I was not instructed to drink, so only blood was taken. The glucose test was redone at a later date.)

<Questions and concerns>

(1) A little blue around the navel?

  • No problem.

(2) Is it OK to go in the pool?

  • OK, as long as you don't overdo it. (It was getting cold, so I ended up only going in the Jacuzzi.)

(3) Too much weight gain?

  • No problem.

(4) When can I make an appointment for the birth?

  • The new facility opens on Nov 2nd, so call them after that.

(5) Is it OK for my husband to be there (to check the effects of the coronavirus)?

  • Only one chaperone is allowed

(6) Do you do 3D ultrasound graphs?

  • We don't do it here, so look for other private facilities.

(7) Things to keep in mind at this time?

  • Hydration, don't hold your pee.

《Time required: about 30 minutes》

7th Checkup

[Wednesday, November 11]: 29th week (8th month)

  • Physical measurement, urinalysis, interview (nurse, another male doctor in charge), heartbeat test, Tdap vaccination

<Questions and concerns>

(1) Should I start breast massage?

  • You don't need to start yet. It will stimulate the fetus. You can start around the last month.

(2) Is the baby breech?

  • Baby still moves around. Check around the 9th month.

<Tdap vaccination>

Made the next reservation and finished.

《Time required: about 30 minutes》

8th Checkup

[Friday, November 20]: Week 30 (8th month)

<Glucose test only (accepted at Walk-in): 9 AM>

  • Nurse said "You can have a sip or two of water after 20 minutes. I'll be taking your blood in an hour, and I'll be timing you, so bring the empty bottle to the receptionist after you drink it. You can go to the bathroom if you want."


  • On that day, don't have a high-sugar breakfast (eggs, etc. are OK).

  • Bring something to spend the time (books, games) as you will be waiting for an hour after drinking.

  • The taste of the drink (the sugar content of the sports drink is too strong (too sweet and makes you swallow), you can choose between orange or fruit punch flavor → I went with orange. Orange was good.

《Time required: about 1.5 hours》


  • The results came back a few days later → Negative, no problems (I was worried because I've been eating too much lately (12kg more than before pregnancy)

Exceptional Checkup

[Sunday, November 22]: 31st week (8th month)

  • I twisted my body in a weird way.

  • I felt a strange sensation below my navel → Called the hospital (Sunday night around 9:00 p.m.) → "Drink 600 ml of water and lie down to see if there's any fetal movement." → Confirmed fetal movement. I rested and went to bed that night.

  • I decided to see the doctor just to be sure. I made an appointment for the next day.

[Monday, November 23]: Next day

  • I saw the male doctor from last time. We were able to check the heartbeat and the urine test was fine.

  • My belly was getting much bigger, so doctor suggested to wear a support belt. .

  • I thought it was a good hospital (doctor and nurse) because they made an appointment for me right away even though it was urgent.

《Time required: about 30 minutes》

9th Checkup

[Tuesday, December 8]: 33rd week (9th month)

  • Ultrasound examination, physical measurement, interview (nurse, another male doctor in charge), heartbeat test

<Ultrasound examination (to check the condition of the fetus)>

  • Weight: estimated 6.2lb (2,800kg)

  • Position: Head down on the right side, feet up on the left side in a tilted position

  • The fetus weighs two weeks more than it should.

  • If it continues to grow, vaginal delivery will be difficult and a cesarean section may be necessary.

  • Blood glucose level and weight are within normal limits. It's just that the fetus is growing bigger.

  • The doctor said he would wait and see what happens.

<Questions and concerns>

(1) Should I start perineal massage?

  • It can also irritate the fetus. You can do it, but be careful of your own health.

(2) Do you have a birth plan form?

  • There are various forms available on the Internet, so you can download and prepare one. But you should know that it depends on the situation whether it will be as you wish.

Made the next reservation and finished.

《Time required: about 1.5 hours》

10th checkup

[Wednesday, December 23]: 36th week (10th month)

  • Urinalysis, physical measurement, interview (nurse, another male doctor in charge), simple PC ultrasound, Vaginal Culture Test .

<PC simple ultrasound>.

  • Still some room in amniotic fluid.

  • Head is down.

<Vaginal Culture Test>

  • A test to check for group B Streptococcus infection.

  • The vaginal opening and anus are lightly rubbed with a cotton swab.

<Questions and concerns>

(1) The amount of vaginal discharge has increased and the color has changed a little?

  • If it doesn't continue to water or bleed, it's fine.

(2) Can I bottle-feed breast-pumped milk to my newborn?

  • The conclusion is yes, but the bottle is easier to suck, so it is better to give the newborn breast milk directly if possible, since the newborn's ability to suck will be weakened. However, it is OK according to the mother's physical condition and lifestyle if she has a job.

(3) Is it OK to put a pillow or something in the crib?

  • It is better to ask a specialist such as a pediatrician. In my sons' case, I didn't put anything on the bed.

(4) What are some good remedies for leg cramps?

  • Adequate hydration, you can try Pedialyte drinks.

Made the next reservation and finished.

《Time required: about 1 hour》

11th checkup

[Thursday, December 31]: 37th week (10th month)

  • Ultrasound

<Ultrasound results>

  • Head is down, about 7lb (3200g), 10 days big.

  • Larger, but not necessarily needing a c-section.

  • If baby doesn't come out at 39 weeks, we'll do a membrane-sweep or a lightning birth (induce labor).

Made the next reservation and finished.

《Time required: about 2 hours》

I had delivery on Jan 5th of next week.

This is the last half of the process. I will add the checkups until the birth here.



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