US Presidential Election TV Debate (September 30, 2020)

October 12th, 2020   アメリカのこと 

On the weekend, I watched the US presidential election TV debate (Youtube) held at the end of last month.

I'm an immigrant, so I don't have the right to vote in the United States. However, I would like to check what kind of thoughts the next president has.

  • The important thing is not to be fooled by fake news.

  • Make sure the news is true. (Who is saying, reliable information, when is it?)

  • Try not to spread wrong information.

  • Research yourself.

  • Try to maintain an unbiased with common-sense.

  • Understand that everyone has different opinions.

I put Youtube link at the bottom. I think it's best to listen with your own ears rather than listening to someone else's opinion.

If you have time, it's good to check roughly in English first, and then check the details in the Japanese interpreter version.

Impressions of seeing the debate

◉ I honestly don't know

  • I don't really understand because it's a show that nitpicking each other.

  • I want to see more certain plan by adding visual explanation as well as verbal explanation. (The purpose of this debate might be just to check speaking skill, personality and listen to the rough policy, or they don't have certain plan at this stage, or the situation changes so quickly that they don't know what will happen.)

◉ Trump is very Trump

  • Around 30 minutes, when talking about wearing a mask, he made fun of that "Biden was wearing a big mask 200 yards away" and "Biden's meeting only gather 3 people." (Trump holds a large number of meetings outdoors, but Biden is careful, so he wears a mask and holds a meeting with several people.) I laughed a little, but I felt he has childish and mean personality.

  • Most of what he is saying is not wrong

◉ Biden is like a sales talk

  • He often tried to appeal to us looking at the camera's. So I felt he talks like a sales man, I put off by that.

  • Personality looks good


  • The coronavirus is causing panic and anxiety among the American people and the whole world. Considering his strong leadership and his four years of experience, Trump may be more supportive than Biden.

In the end

  • I submitted a lot of various documents and came to the United States with time, money and effort in accordance with the law. I just hope the situation won't get bad for immigrants.

Youtube Link

◉Full Presidential Debate: President Trump and Joe Biden | WSJ


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