Go seeing Musical Play

March 8th, 2020   週末イベント 

We went to see a musical today.

(We got tickets from my mother-in-law for the wedding anniversary last month.)

Title is "Once on this island". It was popular musical and crowded.

There was a luggage and body check before entering.

Our seats were in front of the second floor, but it was high and scary to fall, so we asked staff if we can change seats little back row. The staff checked willingly and changed.

It was around lunch time, so we bought sandwiches, beer, cakes and chips from shop inside the theater. It's nice to eat, drink, relax and watch.

I check the summary before, so I could understand whole story. The ending was a bit sad, but it was bright and fun musical with good tempo.

Musical Once on this island

Musical Once on this island

Musical Once on this island

Musical Once on this island

Musical Once on this island

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