Regular medical check-up

January 2nd, 2020   健康面 

Today was my first regular health checkup since I am in States. It became a terrible day. To put it simply, the doctor at the checkup was unfriendly, not professional attitude, and the service was poor. My husband came to the room halfway, he was also surprised by the doctor's attitude. On the way home, I complained to my husband that was too much unreasonable. My husband suggested that go back and talked to her. We went back and talked and we reconciled with each other.

Summarize what I learned from this

*in advance

・My husband told me that it will be probably just a weight check, a nose and mouth, a heart rate, and a blood check. I would not surprise if I knew from the beginning that there was a woman's examination and had knowledge of it.

(This is me and my husband's fault.)

Check what we do beforehand, especially for hospitals. I told my husband.

→ Google and check the what I will do and medical words in Japanese.

*If I have technical words

・I had to have a translator call from the beginning of the consultation. In particular, there are many words that do not know about medical care.

(It is important to understand that it is related to body.)

*If there is a misunderstandings

・ It was important to have a discussion when there were misunderstandings.

・ As a result of the discussion, we settled each other with miscommunication.

(Something gloomy feeling I've had in my mind went away. It's not good for my mental health to leave it inside.)

・ If you have discussion, it is better to include a third person. (in this case, husband or interpreter)

・ It's important to understand that you can change only yourself.


・ I thought my husband's proposal to go back and talk was very good American way and my husband-like.

(In the United States, It's normal to tell what you have to say in front of someone ( of course calmly, logically, and respecting the other person )

In Japan, including me, I think we are not good at telling what you have to say in front of someone. )

・ Before and after the holiday, people, society, and the economy may get rough. Let's be careful.

・ I felt weird before going to the clinic.

(If I feel weird, I should make sure what it is. If I need time, check if I can change the timing, for example saying I feel sick.)

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